Title: OSSIFORCE 1 Created by: 100130.2422@compuserve.com (Andree Popp) Released on: 11APR96 Map: 48x60 - TEMPERATE Editor: ccmap v2.1 & mixman v1.0 Player: GDI (GoodGuy) Alliance: Neutral Difficulty: Medium to hard ? Playtime: 40 min - 2h ? Reinforcements: Yes, Chinook and ...... ;-) A10: Yes, destroy all SAM sites Tested on: C&C v1.07 (German) Replaces: GDI mission 9 [SCG09EA] Copying-policy: Freeware Comments: My first mission for C&C. Any comments welcome. Title: OSSIFORCE 2 Created by: 100130.2422@compuserve.com (Andree Popp) Released on: 11APR96 Map: 57x55 - DESERT Editor: ccmap v2.1 & mixman v1.0 Player: GDI (GoodGuy) Alliance: Neutral with base. Difficulty: Medium to hard ? Playtime: 30 min - 2h ? Reinforcements: Yes, MCV and ...... A10: Yes, destroy a special building Tested on: C&C v1.07 (German) Replaces: GDI mission 10 [SCG10EB] Copying-policy: Freeware Comments: Have anyone info. about the [BASE]-section? I use it currently not. Files: readme.txt - this file force1.txt - English description for the mission.ini [SCG09EA] force1.ger - German " " " " " force1.ini - the ini file for OSSIFORCE 1 force1.map - " map " " " 1 savegame.009 - savegame for C&C force2.txt - English description for the mission.ini [SCG10EB] force2.ger - German " " " " " force2.ini - the ini file for OSSIFORCE 2 force2.map - " map " " " 2 savegame.035 - savegame for C&C Notes: COMMAND & CONQUER Copyright (C) 1995 Westwood Studios C&C Ultimate Map Editor V2.1 Copyright (c) 1996 Richard Heesbeen MIXMAN V1.0 (C)1995 Vladan Bato